Lincoln County Pylon Sign
Double sided non-illuminated pylon sign.
~ Top cabinet: fabricated of aluminum and painted burgundy.
~ Bottom cabinet: fabricated of aluminum and painted MP Brushed Alum. (Top & Bottom cabinet mech. attached inside of sign)
~ 1/2" Router cut stencil cut logo & letters painted MP Brushed Alum.
Logo and letters mech attached flush to cabinet.
~Thin gauge polished alum. mounted flush over seam of two cabinets.
Franklin Square Pylon Sign
Double sided illuminated pylon sign.
~ Top cabinet fabricated from aluminum, & painted Blue.
~ Face is stencil cut and backed 3/16" 2447 white acrylic.
~ Bottom cabinet fabricated from aluminum, & painted MP Brushed Alum.
~ Face has (6) tenant panels held to cabinet w/ 1.00" alum. retainers
~ Pole cover fabricated of aluminum and painted yellow.

Gaston Eye Pylon Sign
Double sided non-illuminated pylon sign.
~ Brick base done by others.
~ Topper cabinet fabricated of alum. and painted white with teal trim
~ (2) sets of 1/4" aluminum address numbers, mounted flush to topper
~ Tenant cabinet fabricated of alum. with a flex face with vinyl graphics
~Bottom cabinet fabricated of alum with a 2447 white acrylic face held to cabinet with 1.00" alum. retainers.
Cramer Marketplace Pylon Sign
Double sided illuminated pylon sign.
~ Top cabinet non-lit fabricated of aluminum, with 1/4" arch topper
~ "Cramer MarketPlace" FCO's cut from 1/4" acrylic and painted white
~Internally illuminated Tenant cabinet painted burgundy
~ (10) Tenant 3/16" 2447 white acrylic sign panels w/ vinyl graphics tenant panels held to cabinet with 1.00" alum. retainers painted black
~Pole cover fabricated of aluminum and painted burgundy.
~Border is 1/4" sintra painted beige, mounted flush to pole cover.
~Logo is white vinyl applied to face of pole cover.